Learn and play!

The main objective of these classes is to awaken in children a willingness to explore new cultures and to learn a foreign language as it is used in everyday life, through a variety of games and fun activities.

How does

it look like?

Cultural elements contained in board games, puzzles and many competitions

Domino games

Learning vocabulary through creation

More and more:

They will learn vocabulary related to:





Past tenses, their structures and usage are learnt while the children are playing with dice and sticks which must be matched into pairs according to the correct verb forms.

Prepositions? They sound ominous but we will handle them together by playing 'The Island of Prepositions'. Correct answers and effort are awarded with great prizes

These are just a few of my ideas. I have many more in store!

Lessons should stick in the children's memories, open their minds and provide them with impressions that they will remember for a long time. Evoking such strong emotions in children will make sure they absorb knowledge during lessons, after which they will be able to use it in real-life situations.

I am an experienced teacher of many languages and I know how important it is to have the right approach to a child, and to raise their interest in every topic, both easy subjects and more difficult ones.

I love creative solutions based on games or educational films which make it possible for children to grasp the tricky points of a given language.

Classes are strikingly varied and rich in gadgets brought by me from different parts of the world. Thus, the lessons are livelier and stimulate students' senses. The programme of teaching is adapted to each child's individual needs, including what motivates them the most.

Motivation training included in the price!

To find out the details of lessons available in the language of your choice, enter the apron of my airport and select

Language Gate



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